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Loại sản phẩm: Accessories
Mã sản phẩm: EasyAdapt
Nhà cung cấp: Anh Nghi Sơn
Hãng sản xuất: Novotechnik VietNam
Xuất sứ: chính hãng
Giá : Vui lòng liên hệ
EasyAdapt is a programming tool for the programmable Vert-X MH-C2 Series of rotary angle sensors. In includes a tool that connects between a PC and a MH-C2 sensor as well as a software programming application that runs on Windows™ XP, Vista, or Windows 7.
Products that are user programmable include Vert-X Series: 1300, 2200, 3700, 5100, 8800, 13E, 22E, 27E, 31E, 37E and 90E.
Sản phẩm liên quan
SR 245
MAP 300/400
MAP 4000
MUP 400
MUP 110/160
MUP 100
MUP 80
MUP 80
MUW 200
Z 110 - Shaft Coupling
Z 105 - Shaft Coupling
Z 104 - Shaft Coupling
Z 103 - Shaft Coupling
Z 106 - Shaft Coupling
Z 60 - Ball & Socket Coup ...
Z 50 - Roller Head
Z 301 Coupling
EEM 33 M16 Series Connect ...
EEM 33 M12 Series Connect ...
EEM 33 M8 Series Connecto ...